My Faith Testimony

A very special welcome to you in the name of soon coming King of kings and Lord of lords Jesus Christ! It is the Lord’s doing and glad you are here for reason. I am Mr. Surendra Kumbhar born in a poor CNI (Church of North India) Christian family in a village called Buromunda of Balangir district, Odisha India. When God did wonderful miracle by healing my mother from bleeding disease, I decided in my heart to follow Jesus throughout life. At that time I was only Seventeen years of age. Few years passed by and I forgot to live for Jesus and engaged in worldly pleasures. To my commitment God led to study in a theological college in South India and that time I had only

completed 10th grade in my mother tongue. I did not know how to talk in English and it was real challenged for me to study there because most of the students were well educated and good in English. There was no one to pay fees from my family side so I studied there as a scholarship student. I was amazed one day when I preached the word of God in English, why? How? Questions arose…I did three things…. Firstly: I always prayed to the Lord to give me English speaking power… Secondly: I read English Bible and other English books everyday though did not understand any of those. Finally: I practiced English everyday and some criticized me but after three months when God poured out His anointing…..awesome…. Glory be to the Most High God….I love you Jesus…. After completing the theology the Lord opened the door to serve Him in the same Bible College and the Church. I am really blessed that my spiritual parents, leaders who molded and trained me. Above all I thank God for His unfailing love and blessings in my life. Prayerfully as I was serving the Lord, He sent me to Odisha for the expansion of His Kingdom in June 2010. Since then I have been serving the Lord in various ways as per His leading. In the year 2012 the good Lord Jesus brought a beautiful missionary committed life partner called Epsiba Inbakumari from Rameswaram, Tamil Nadu South India. We have a son three years now called Jedidiah Kumbhar. As per Lord’s leading and guidance I was praying to register a trust. After praying for years the Lord Jesus enabled us to register a Religious/Charitable Trust called “Shalom Faith Trust” in December 2013. Under this trust we are running Shalom Faith Ministries. To know more kindly visit our site, email or write to us. God bless you Thank you so much Yours in His Shalom Surendra Kumbhar

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