
WE BELIEVE JESUS IS OUR: The Omnipresent, Omnipresence, Omnipotent...Jesus is 100% God and 100% man...


Jesus lived an earthly life free of sin because we couldn’t. He died on the cross to atone for the sins of all mankind and to undo the separation we once had with God. Jesus is actively drawing people to himself with the free offer of forgiveness to anyone who will believe that he is who he says he is and trust him. His offer is not conditional and not based on anything we do or don’t do; it is a free gift from a Living Saviour who created us to have fellowship with him.


When we say that Jesus is our “Risen Lord”, we don’t mean it metaphorically. Jesus rose from the dead, appeared to eye-witnesses, and is currently alive and at work through the Holy Spirit, who leads us into all truth. Thomas, one of Jesus’ disciples, famously refused to believe that he had risen until after he physically placed his hands in the nail wounds from his crucifixion, to which Jesus responded, “Blessed are those who have not seen, yet believe.”


Jesus is available to all that would seek him. He asks us to cast our cares and anxieties on him and to seek his direction in all areas of life. He promises never to leave us nor forsake us. When we believe, he begins a process of transformation within us, making us more and more like him, moulding us into his disciples and enabling us to reflect his love and carry out his perfect and specific will for our lives.


Jesus is, and always has been God. According to the Bible, he was with God and he was God before the Earth was even created. He was “begotten” by God, and though fully man while on this earth, he never ceased to also be fully God. To truly atone for sin, he had to bear the weight of our fallen humanity, making him a God who understands the trials and challenges of life and who is able to sustain us through them.

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